15 Other Ways To Say “Hope to See You Soon”

“Hope to see you soon” is a friendly way to say goodbye, showing you want to meet again. It’s a warm phrase that doesn’t set an exact time but expresses your wish to get together in the near future.

Are you tired of always saying “Hope to see you soon” when parting ways? Want to add some flair to your farewells? Look no further! We’ve got 15 fresh and fun alternatives that’ll make your goodbyes more memorable. Whether you’re chatting with friends, colleagues, or clients, these phrases will help you end conversations on a high note. Get ready to upgrade your farewell game!

Saying goodbye doesn’t have to be boring or repetitive. With these 15 alternatives to “Hope to see you soon,” you’ll have plenty of options to keep your farewells fresh and engaging. From casual to formal, we’ve got phrases suited for every situation and relationship, helping you leave a lasting impression.

Key Takeaways

Before we dive into the various alternatives to “Hope to see you soon,” let’s highlight some key points to remember:

  • The phrase “Hope to see you soon” is versatile and can be used in both casual and professional settings.
  • There are numerous ways to express the same sentiment, ranging from formal to informal.
  • The choice of phrase depends on the context, relationship, and communication medium.
  • Using different expressions can add variety and personalization to your communication.
  • It’s important to consider the tone and appropriateness of each alternative based on your specific situation.

Is Saying “Hope to See You Soon” Considered As Professional?

The phrase “Hope to see you soon” is generally considered appropriate for professional settings. It strikes a balance between friendliness and formality, making it suitable for various business contexts. However, the level of professionalism can vary depending on the specific workplace culture and the relationship between the communicating parties.

In more formal business environments, you might opt for slightly more reserved alternatives such as “I look forward to our next meeting” or “I anticipate our future collaboration.” On the other hand, in casual work settings or with close colleagues, this phrase and its variations are perfectly acceptable.

Correct Usage

To ensure you’re using “Hope to see you soon” and its alternatives correctly, consider the following points:

  1. Context: Assess the situation and your relationship with the recipient to choose an appropriate level of formality.
  2. Timing: Use this phrase when you genuinely expect or desire to see the person again in the near future.
  3. Sincerity: Ensure that your words reflect your true sentiments to maintain authenticity in your communication.
  4. Placement: Typically, this phrase or its alternatives are used near the end of a conversation or written communication as a closing remark.
  5. Follow-up: If you use this phrase, be prepared to follow through on the implied promise of meeting again, when possible.


The English language offers a rich variety of expressions to convey the same sentiment as “Hope to see you soon.” These variations can range from very formal to extremely casual. Some common variations include:

  • Looking forward to seeing you again
  • Can’t wait to catch up
  • Until next time
  • See you around
  • Let’s get together soon
  • Hoping our paths cross again soon

Each variation carries a slightly different connotation and level of formality, so choose wisely based on your specific situation.

Usage of “Hope” vs. “Hoping”

When expressing the desire to see someone again, you might wonder whether to use “hope” or “hoping.” Both are grammatically correct, but they have slightly different implications:

  • “Hope to see you soon” is more direct and can sound slightly more confident.
  • “Hoping to see you soon” implies a bit more uncertainty and can sound slightly more polite or deferential.

The choice between these two often comes down to personal preference and the specific tone you want to convey.

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Verb Tense

When using alternatives to “Hope to see you soon,” pay attention to the verb tense. Most commonly, you’ll use the present tense or present continuous tense. For example:

  • Present tense: “I look forward to our next meeting”ljhc
  • Present continuous: “I’m looking forward to seeing you again”

Occasionally, you might use the future tense, especially when referring to a specific future event: “I will be eagerly awaiting our reunion next month.”

Now, let’s explore 15 alternative ways to express “Hope to see you soon”:

1. Looking Forward to Our Next Meeting

This phrase is professional and widely used in business contexts. It conveys a positive anticipation for future interaction without being overly casual.

Example: “Thank you for your time today. I’m looking forward to our next meeting to discuss the project further.”

2. Anticipating Our Next Encounter

A more formal alternative, this phrase expresses a strong sense of expectation for the next meeting. It’s suitable for professional settings where you want to convey enthusiasm while maintaining a degree of formality.

Example: “It was a pleasure discussing the new marketing strategy with you. I’m anticipating our next encounter to finalize the details.”

3. Can’t Wait to Meet Again

This informal expression conveys excitement and eagerness. It’s best used with friends, close colleagues, or in casual work environments.

Example: “Great catching up over coffee! Can’t wait to meet again and hear about your upcoming trip.”

4. Eagerly Awaiting Our Next Interaction

A more formal version of “can’t wait,” this phrase is suitable for professional settings where you want to express enthusiasm while maintaining a business-like tone.

Example: “Thank you for your insightful presentation. I’m eagerly awaiting our next interaction to explore these concepts further.”

5. Hoping for Another Opportunity to Connect

This phrase expresses a desire for future contact without presuming it will definitely happen. It’s a good option when you’re unsure about the likelihood of meeting again soon.

Example: “I enjoyed our conversation at the conference. I’m hoping for another opportunity to connect and exchange ideas.”

6. Looking Forward to Reuniting

This warm expression implies a closer relationship and is suitable for colleagues or business contacts you haven’t seen in a while.

Example: “It’s been too long since our last team gathering. I’m looking forward to reuniting with everyone at the upcoming retreat.”

7. Excited About the Prospect of Meeting Again


This phrase conveys enthusiasm while maintaining a level of professionalism. It’s suitable for various business contexts where you want to express genuine interest in future interactions.

Example: “Thank you for your time today. I’m excited about the prospect of meeting again to further discuss our collaboration.”

8. Until Our Paths Cross Again

This poetic expression adds a touch of elegance to your farewell. It’s suitable for situations where the next meeting isn’t scheduled but is likely to occur naturally.

Example: “It was a pleasure working with you on this project. Until our paths cross again, I wish you all the best in your endeavors.”

9. Anxiously Awaiting Our Next Get-Together

This phrase expresses a strong desire to meet again, with a hint of impatience. It’s best used in casual settings or with close colleagues.

Example: “Thanks for the great team dinner! I’m anxiously awaiting our next get-together.”

10. Counting Down the Days Until We Meet Again

This enthusiastic expression is best reserved for close friends or very casual work environments. It implies that you’re actively looking forward to the next meeting.

Example: “It was fantastic catching up at the company picnic. I’m counting down the days until we meet again at the holiday party!”

11. In High Hopes of Our Reunion

This phrase adds a touch of optimism to your farewell. It’s suitable for situations where you’re unsure when you’ll meet again but are looking forward to it.

Example: “It’s been a pleasure collaborating on this project remotely. I’m in high hopes of our reunion when travel restrictions ease.”

12. Yearning for Our Next Meeting

This expressive phrase conveys a strong desire to meet again. While it might be too intense for most professional settings, it could be appropriate for close colleagues or in creative industries.

Example: “Your insights always inspire me. I’m yearning for our next meeting to brainstorm more innovative ideas.”

13. Patiently Awaiting Our Next Encounter

This phrase combines anticipation with a sense of composure. It’s suitable for professional settings where you want to express interest in future meetings without seeming overeager.

Example: “Thank you for your time today. I’m patiently awaiting our next encounter to review the project progress.”

14. Enthusiastically Waiting to See You Again

This upbeat expression conveys excitement for future meetings. It’s appropriate for friendly professional relationships or casual work environments.

Example: “It was great meeting you at the industry conference. I’m enthusiastically waiting to see you again at next month’s workshop.”

15. Holding onto the Promise of Our Next Meeting

This poetic phrase expresses anticipation with a touch of sentimentality. It’s suitable for long-term professional relationships or when saying goodbye to colleagues you won’t see for an extended period.

15. Holding onto the Promise of Our Next Meeting

Example: “As you embark on your new role, I’m holding onto the promise of our next meeting. Your contributions to our team will be missed.”


What’s the difference between “See you soon” and “Hope to see you soon”?

“See you soon” implies a certainty of meeting again in the near future, while “Hope to see you soon” expresses a desire to meet again without guaranteeing it will happen.

Is it appropriate to use “Hope to see you soon” in a job interview?

While not inappropriate, more formal alternatives like “I look forward to hearing from you” or “I appreciate your time and consideration” are generally better suited for job interview situations.

Can I use “Hope to see you soon” in an email signature?

Yes, you can use this phrase in an email signature, especially if you frequently communicate with the recipients. However, consider using variations to avoid repetition.

How do I choose the right alternative to “Hope to see you soon”?

Consider the context, your relationship with the recipient, the communication medium, and the level of formality required. Choose a phrase that matches these factors and reflects your genuine sentiments.

Are there cultural considerations when using these phrases internationally?

Yes, some cultures may interpret certain phrases differently. When communicating internationally, it’s best to stick to more neutral expressions unless you’re familiar with the specific cultural norms.


The phrase “Hope to see you soon and its many alternatives offer a wide range of options for expressing your desire to meet again. Whether you’re in a professional setting, casual environment, or somewhere in between, there’s an appropriate variation to suit your needs.Whichever phrase you select, ensure that it genuinely reflects your sentiments and the nature of your relationship with the recipient.By expanding your repertoire of farewell expressions, you can add variety and personal touch to your communications.This not only helps you avoid repetition but also allows you to tailor your message to specific situations and relationships.Ultimately, the goal is to leave a positive impression and convey your genuine interest in future interactions.

 Whether you’re saying goodbye to a client, a colleague, or a friend, choosing the right words can help strengthen your professional and personal relationships.As you practice using these alternatives, you’ll develop a sense of which phrases work best in different contexts. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find the expressions that feel most natural to you while still maintaining the appropriate level of professionalism or friendliness.Remember, effective communication is an ongoing learning process. As you continue to refine your skills, you’ll find that these small touches in your farewells can make a significant difference in how you’re perceived and remembered by others.

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