Church of The Highlands Exposed: Pastor Chris Hodges Scandal

The Church of the Highlands, a Birmingham-based megachurch, faced controversy when its senior pastor, Chris Hodges, was criticized for liking racially insensitive social media posts. The scandal led to the termination of city partnerships and highlighted issues of racial insensitivity, financial transparency, and leadership practices within the church. This controversy has polarized opinions and exposed deep divisions over race, politics, and social justice in the congregation.

Scandal rocks Alabama’s largest megachurch as Pastor Chris Hodges faces backlash over racially insensitive social media activity. With community partnerships severed and public trust at stake, the Church of the Highlands stands at a pivotal crossroads. Can they overcome this controversy and rebuild their reputation?

The Church of the Highlands, led by Pastor Chris Hodges, has been thrust into controversy due to racially insensitive social media interactions. This scandal has led to severed partnerships and polarized opinions, highlighting divisions within the community. The church’s future now hinges on its ability to rebuild trust and address these critical issues.

February 17, 2024 by Rosalie Alice

The Church of the Highlands, a prominent megachurch based in Birmingham, Alabama, has recently faced intense scrutiny and criticism over racially insensitive actions by its senior pastor, Chris Hodges.

Founded in 2001, the Church of the Highlands grew rapidly under Hodges’ leadership into the largest church in Alabama, with over 50,000 weekly attendees across 22 campuses. However, the church’s expansion and Hodges’ folksy, charismatic preaching style had already drawn some controversy over the years.

Overview: Church of The Highlands Exposed

The current scandal erupted when Hodges was revealed to have “liked” numerous social media posts from Charlie Kirk, the controversial young leader of the conservative group Turning Point USA, which has been accused of promoting racism.

In the aftermath, the city of Birmingham ended partnerships with the church that provided housing, healthcare, and education programs to underprivileged citizens. Hodges issued tearful apologies but insists he is not racist, citing decades of community service outreach.

The scandal has polarized opinion, drawing support for Hodges from conservative figures but ongoing criticism from black leaders and liberal voices. Some experts believe it reveals Hodges’ alignment with Donald Trump and an insensitive stance on race issues.

The ultimate effects on Hodges’ reputation and the church’s future expansion remain uncertain. But the controversy has clearly exposed divisions over race, politics, and social justice.

For the influential Church of the Highlands, known for its youthful vibe and millennial membership, this represents a crucial crossroads as it seeks to move forward while facing heightened scrutiny from all sides. The response of Hodges and his congregation, and their ability to rebuild community trust, will be pivotal.

Church of The Highlands

The Church of the Highlands is a large, nondenominational Christian megachurch based in Birmingham, Alabama. Founded in 2001 by Pastor Chris Hodges, the church has grown rapidly over the past two decades. It now has over 20 campuses across Alabama with weekly attendance of more than 38,000 people.

The church’s stated vision is “helping people find and follow Jesus.” Its beliefs align with mainstream evangelical Christianity. The Church of the Highlands places strong emphasis on biblical teaching, worship services with contemporary Christian music, small groups, and local and global outreach.

Criticisms and Controversies

In recent years, the Church of the Highlands has faced some criticism and controversy:

  • Financial Transparency: Questions have been raised about the church’s financial transparency and Pastor Hodges’ six-figure compensation package. The church brings in tens of millions in revenue annually, but some have argued it does not do enough charitable work in the community compared to its size.
  • Cayman Islands Church: In 2014, the Church of the Highlands founded a separate church called Church of the Highlands of the Islands in the Cayman Islands. This was seen by some as an attempt to avoid disclosure laws in the United States. The Cayman Islands church was dissolved in 2018 amid public scrutiny.
  • Cult-Like Environment: Some former attendees and staff have accused the church of having a “cult-like” environment where dissent or disagreement is discouraged. They say there is extreme deference and obedience expected towards Pastor Hodges and other leaders.
  • Sexual Abuse Scandal: In 2016, a youth pastor at the Church of the Highlands Birmingham campus resigned and was arrested on charges of sexual abuse of a minor. This highlighted the issue of accountability at the growing megachurch.
  • Dave Ramsey Partnership: The church has promoted and partnered with Christian financial guru Dave Ramsey, who has faced criticism over his teachings on topics like tithing and handling debt. Some say the church’s association with Ramsey is problematic.
  • COVID-19 Restrictions: In 2020, Pastor Hodges openly defied COVID-19 restrictions in Alabama by keeping the church open at full capacity. This led to confrontation with local authorities and criticism over public health concerns.

Despite the rapid growth and popularity of the Church of the Highlands under Pastor Hodges, there are clearly some who take issue with the lack of transparency around finances, alleged authoritarian leadership style, and other practices.

Support and Impact

However, many devoted members argue the church sticks to orthodox Christian theology and positively impacts the community. The Church of the Highlands remains one of the largest and most influential churches in the American South today.

  • Expansion Plans: In 2018, the Church of the Highlands announced plans to open a campus in Huntsville, Alabama. This expansion faced opposition from local residents and businesses who argued a megachurch could disrupt the small-town feel of the area. However, zoning was approved despite protests.
  • Counseling Program: Some critics have pointed out that though the Church of the Highlands runs a biblical counseling program, it is not licensed and does not employ clinically trained therapists or psychologists. They argue this pseudo-therapy can be harmful.
  • Highlands College: Highlands College, the ministry training program run by the church, has also faced scrutiny for being unaccredited and expensive. Some students feel ill-prepared for actual ministry jobs after graduating.
  • Children’s Pastor Misconduct: In 2022, a Church of the Highlands children’s pastor resigned after misconduct allegations. The church was criticized for allowing him to simply resign without further investigation.
  • The Cure: Pastor Hodges authored a book called “The Cure,” which spells out the church’s approach to living a Christian lifestyle. However, some say the book promotes unhealthy attitudes about guilt, sexuality, and human nature.
  • Pressure on Members: The church has faced accusations of pressuring members to volunteer, donate money, and recruit new attendees. There are stories of parishioners being shamed or even threatened with losing volunteer roles if they do not properly “serve the house.”
  • Financial Priorities: Despite promoting community service, the church spent over $100 million on expansive campuses and production upgrades in recent years. Some argue this reveals mixed priorities and values appearance over charity.
  • COVID-19 Defiance: In 2020, Pastor Hodges held services attended by thousands with no COVID-19 precautions, defying social distancing orders. He claimed the church had special religious exemptions. Many saw this as a dangerous and selfish precedent during a public health crisis.

while the Church of the Highlands has seen huge growth and enjoys enthusiastic membership, it has faced growing criticism around transparency, accountability, financial priorities, and leadership tactics. The congregation’s full impact remains debated.


The Church of the Highlands faces a pivotal moment as it navigates the fallout from Pastor Chris Hodges’ social media scandal. The controversy has revealed deep-seated issues related to race, politics, and community trust, challenging the church’s reputation and outreach efforts. How the church addresses these concerns will significantly impact its future and relationship with the broader community.

Moving forward, the church must prioritize transparency, accountability, and genuine reconciliation to restore its standing. By acknowledging past mistakes and fostering an inclusive environment, the Church of the Highlands can begin to heal and rebuild. The congregation’s commitment to these principles will determine its ability to move past this crisis and continue its mission.

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